Wednesday, April 25, 2012

In bed with Marilyn

It feels good to take it a bit slow this morning, because the last couple of days have been filled with a lot of hard work. Just reading a book, to think about something different. Found a poem that  is written by Marilyn Monroe. There was so much more to that woman, than just the fantasy.
Of thing
Oh well, what the hell,
so it won't sell.
What I want to tell-
is what's on my mind:
'taint Dishes,
'taint Wishes,
it's thoughts
flinging by
before I die-
and to think
in ink.

I watched a couple of documentaries on her, and something is so fascinating and at the same time sad about her life. (I know, me and the rest of the world shares that opinion..but still, I'm in a "Marilyn-zone" now when I'm reading this book..) I don't really believe that her life was meant to end that way, and I don't think it was self inflicted in the way that people want you to think. 

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