Thursday, March 8, 2012

Vegetarian lifestyle

I'm not a vegetarian nor a vegan, but I try to choose or prepare a vegetarian meal as often as possible. The most efficient way to try to stop global warming, is actually to go vegan. So by choosing a vegetarian lifestyle you're doing one of the better things to prevent our environmental problems.

The meat industry is one of the most significant contributors towards global warming. It's hard to stop eating meat, believe me I know. But I'm doing my best. I believe if everyone would try to eat more vegetarian food, always or just more often, it would have a really positive effect for the future.
As a parent it's a good and easy way to show children what you can do for the environment and also giving them a healthy way of living.

If you have recipes or know/have a website with vegetarian/vegan food, please send me an e-mail or write a link to the site below.

1 comment:

  1. ,, och så finns det jättemånga om man går in på vegetariskt-kategorin på de flesta recepthemsidor. Själv är jag vegetarian sedan 6 år tillbaka, och har inte haft problem alls med att sluta äta kött. Det började som en tävling mellan mina kompisar vem som kunde vara vego längst.. Gissa vem som vann ;). Det var då jag började engagera mig i djur och miljöfrågor. Får jag barn någon gång ska han/hon vara helvegetarian också! :)
