Friday, March 23, 2012


Because of the lack of inspiration right now to work on my school assignments and projects. I've decided that it's a perfect time to clean, organize and sort out things that aren't "in use" anymore. Dull, tiring?! Not at all! It's fun and afterwards you feel harmony inside and in your home!

Making room for more ideas.. 

And if you're doing the same for the moment, don't just throw things in the trash. Maybe you can sell it or give it to someone who wants/needs it more.

I love to go on flea markets and jumble/yard sales, you can truly find things that will lift your interior design and style. But sometimes maybe it needs a bit of help, just see the opportunities.. Like this sewing box that I found on a flea market a few years back, I just painted and fixed it, and it's perfect for my make up!

When you want to organize - boxes, boxes, boxes..!

Personalize your home 
by choosing boxes 
that matches your style.

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